Hello everyone, we are very sorry for the delay in postings! We have now been here about a year and we are getting very close to being able to open the station for business! So we have rolled up our sleeves and are working even harder than before to have the station fully operational for January 2012!
Our biggest hurddle right now is to have all of the facilities ready for January! Vanessa's family came down to help out and with the great leadership of Chris we now have a beautiful shower building! We still have some plumbing and minor construction to do but it looks great! I am very proud to introduce out new solar shower facilities at T.R.E.E.S
Phase 1 - Posts into the ground!
Phase 2- Base platform set-up!
Phase 3 - Making sure everything is leveled up! Ready for the building!
Phase 4 - The building itself! It is Eva approved! Thanks Chris!!!
I will add a couple picture one we have doors and a everything is hooked up!